We are in need of a laptop computer. With our D J & T Foundation grant, Rosie's can be reimbursed for all community-owned animals that are spayed or neutered; however, this necessitates keeping a record of names and addresses at the clinics.
Contact DeeDee at dewelles@comcast.net
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Penny in our thoughts
I was excited to get the update on Penny. We almost missed our opportunity to get Penny and find her a new home.
A young lady from Ponemah area drove out to Red Lake Rosie's shelter one day 2 summers ago. It was right after the RAVS clinic and every kennel at the shelter was full. In the backseat of her car she had a litter of puppies which had been weaned and the mama- Penny.
Well- I was in over my head, and had no place to put them, so I put the litter of 4 puppies, in crates on my front porch. I told the young lady she had to bring the mama dog back later, as I had no place to put her. Unfortunately I got no phone number or address on the person. That was my second mistake.
Quite a few months went by and I did not hear any word on Penny and I was haunted by her eyes. I was sure I would never see her again and thought the worse.
Thankfully, one day while at work I got a call and the girl and her mother brought Penny and put her in my pickup and she came to the shelter.
She turned out to be a wonderful dog, met Diane and ended up in her foster care through Pet Haven.
I learned from that situation not to turn away an animal who comes here, as we may NOT get a second chance that we got with Penny. There is always a place to make a temporary accomodation.
Sincerely, Karen and RLRR
Penny rode with me from Red Lake to the Twin Cities December of 2007.
I fostered her through Pet Haven until she was adopted. A few months later Penny was returned to me because ...... boy, I don't know .....
she is a perfect lady.
Anyway, she was adopted again by some friends of mine, G & G, in Amery, WI. I am happy to report THEY LOVE PENNY AND PENNY LOVES THEM! Penny has 10 acres to run on but has found she loves the indoors too. Penny loves car rides into town where she gets treats from the guy at the grain store and the lady at the bank.
G1 works from home so Penny and Ginger get to hang out all day together and loves the time when G2 comes home to get all sorts of lovin' from him. G & G have 6 grandchildren and Penny is so loving and patient when they crawl all over her. If/when she gets tired of the attention she goes upstairs in the bedroom and sleeps in her crate.
So this match has a very happy ending and Penny wants to say HI to Karen and all her furry friends at Red Lake.
A young lady from Ponemah area drove out to Red Lake Rosie's shelter one day 2 summers ago. It was right after the RAVS clinic and every kennel at the shelter was full. In the backseat of her car she had a litter of puppies which had been weaned and the mama- Penny.
Well- I was in over my head, and had no place to put them, so I put the litter of 4 puppies, in crates on my front porch. I told the young lady she had to bring the mama dog back later, as I had no place to put her. Unfortunately I got no phone number or address on the person. That was my second mistake.
Thankfully, one day while at work I got a call and the girl and her mother brought Penny and put her in my pickup and she came to the shelter.
She turned out to be a wonderful dog, met Diane and ended up in her foster care through Pet Haven.
I learned from that situation not to turn away an animal who comes here, as we may NOT get a second chance that we got with Penny. There is always a place to make a temporary accomodation.
Sincerely, Karen and RLRR
Penny rode with me from Red Lake to the Twin Cities December of 2007.
I fostered her through Pet Haven until she was adopted. A few months later Penny was returned to me because ...... boy, I don't know .....
she is a perfect lady.
Anyway, she was adopted again by some friends of mine, G & G, in Amery, WI. I am happy to report THEY LOVE PENNY AND PENNY LOVES THEM! Penny has 10 acres to run on but has found she loves the indoors too. Penny loves car rides into town where she gets treats from the guy at the grain store and the lady at the bank.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Super Trooper
Here's a great story which had a sad beginning and happy ending:
I first met Trooper on Valentine's Day when his owner brought him over to be treated for mange, and I also gave him a parvo/distemper shot. He was the sweetest little chow/husky mix.
Just a couple weeks later on March 2nd his owner called and said that Trooper was in very bad condition as he was mauled by a large dog. He refused to surrender Trooper to us, but he had no money to vet him. When he told me the bleeding would not stop on his neck, I told him to go to the vet and we would take care of it, so he did.
Just four days later, the owner called again and said Trooper was not doing well at all, and he feared he would die. He surrendered him to us and left him at the vet. Apparently he had neglected to give the antibiotic and Trooper now had an abcess on his back and infection in at least 5 lacerations on his little neck and body.
With antibiotics, water, and good nutrition, he improved rapidly, and went to Dino in Rogers, MN for foster care on March 15th. Read what she says about him now in his new forever home:
Great News !!
Trooper went to his new forever home last night and S. just called me this morning and said everything went wonderful. I had trained him to ring the bell when he needed to go outside and she said he did that twice last night and went out and did his job. He slept right next to their bed and slept all night.
They have one son (2-1/2 yrs old) and the two of them are buddies already. I'm sending a photo that S. sent this morning with Trooper at work -- that's right, she works for someone out of their house and is allowed to bring him with her. Isn't that great?! I am so happy for him and they are keeping the name Trooper!
Trooper is at the office with me today! We're leaving for a walk right now!
Just wanted to let you know that it was another great night last night! He used the bell twice successfully...and so far no accidents, but I've been taking out regularly.
Do you know how he is with water? He's going to be getting his first Petco spa day tomorrow afternoon. So I'm hoping he likes taking a bath and he does ok with it.
We have ducks in our yard that lay way under our big pine trees. So he watched the ducks and the squirrels in the yard this morning and would occasionally bark at them...it was very cute!
Trooper follows my son around everywhere...always needs to know where he's at, but he also knows now that wherever my son is there's a good chance he'll find a stray cheerio or two... :)
I'll keep you updated as often as I can (remember to). He is such a good puppy, so far we are very, very impressed with him!
I first met Trooper on Valentine's Day when his owner brought him over to be treated for mange, and I also gave him a parvo/distemper shot. He was the sweetest little chow/husky mix.
Just a couple weeks later on March 2nd his owner called and said that Trooper was in very bad condition as he was mauled by a large dog. He refused to surrender Trooper to us, but he had no money to vet him. When he told me the bleeding would not stop on his neck, I told him to go to the vet and we would take care of it, so he did.
With antibiotics, water, and good nutrition, he improved rapidly, and went to Dino in Rogers, MN for foster care on March 15th. Read what she says about him now in his new forever home:
Trooper went to his new forever home last night and S. just called me this morning and said everything went wonderful. I had trained him to ring the bell when he needed to go outside and she said he did that twice last night and went out and did his job. He slept right next to their bed and slept all night.
They have one son (2-1/2 yrs old) and the two of them are buddies already. I'm sending a photo that S. sent this morning with Trooper at work -- that's right, she works for someone out of their house and is allowed to bring him with her. Isn't that great?! I am so happy for him and they are keeping the name Trooper!
Trooper is at the office with me today! We're leaving for a walk right now!
Just wanted to let you know that it was another great night last night! He used the bell twice successfully...and so far no accidents, but I've been taking out regularly.
Do you know how he is with water? He's going to be getting his first Petco spa day tomorrow afternoon. So I'm hoping he likes taking a bath and he does ok with it.
We have ducks in our yard that lay way under our big pine trees. So he watched the ducks and the squirrels in the yard this morning and would occasionally bark at them...it was very cute!
Trooper follows my son around everywhere...always needs to know where he's at, but he also knows now that wherever my son is there's a good chance he'll find a stray cheerio or two... :)
I'll keep you updated as often as I can (remember to). He is such a good puppy, so far we are very, very impressed with him!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ahnung catches blogging bug
Ahnung is a Red Lake dog rescued by RLRR transferred to Pet Haven and now the much-loved companion of Pet Haven's president, Marilou.
Ahnung was getting so much coverage in the RLRR blog, Pet Haven's dog blog and Marilou's personal blog, that she decided it was time for a blog of her own.
Check it out: Ahnung ... living life The Stray Dog Way.

Check it out: Ahnung ... living life The Stray Dog Way.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Another chance meeting with a RLRR dog
Another great coincidence- Twyla runs into Wilma in Minetonka!! See her pic when Wilma was at the shelter. She left with Twyla on March 1st.
Sonya and Karen,
I just had to share with you that I went to the Minnetonka PetCo last Friday night. Got in line to pay, and lo and behold, there was Wilma/Cora with her new owner! I said, "Is that Wilma?" and she looked at me and said, "How do you know Wilma?" I explained that I had transported her from Red Lake and fell in love with her in all of 10 minutes upon arriving home. She was the nicest lady, we visited about Cora, she let me hold and kiss her (well, Cora kissed me!).
She was buying a crate, bed, food, toys, for her. I feel so blessed to have seen her again! That so rarely happens.
Can't wait to see pictures of her in her new home. It seems she's going to live a pampered life!
Sonya and Karen,
I just had to share with you that I went to the Minnetonka PetCo last Friday night. Got in line to pay, and lo and behold, there was Wilma/Cora with her new owner! I said, "Is that Wilma?" and she looked at me and said, "How do you know Wilma?" I explained that I had transported her from Red Lake and fell in love with her in all of 10 minutes upon arriving home. She was the nicest lady, we visited about Cora, she let me hold and kiss her (well, Cora kissed me!).
She was buying a crate, bed, food, toys, for her. I feel so blessed to have seen her again! That so rarely happens.
Can't wait to see pictures of her in her new home. It seems she's going to live a pampered life!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Penny Drive presentation at Red Lake Elementary School
Red Lake community involvement with Red Lake Rosie's Rescue is critical to our outreach and education efforts regarding responsible care of companion animals. This event is a giant step in the right direction!
Red Lake Elementary School Teacher Michelle Stapleton wrote:
"Red Lake Elementary School students and staff celebrated Kindness Week February 9 - 13. One of the activities they did to celebrate was to hold a penny drive. The students chose their favorite organization to donate the funds raised to and Red Lake Rosie's Rescue Shelter was the lucky recipient. The students in grades K - 5 raised an astounding $652! Wow! That's a lot of pennies!
We were all finally able to get together to make the official presentation of the check. The kids were all very excited to see the furry friends Karen and Company brought with to visit. Karen has said those funds will go toward the next clinic RLRR will be holding in April. Everyone at RLES is just glad to be able to help out such a great organization."
She also offered to include info about the clinics in the next RLES newsletter that goes home with all the students at RLES and the Kindergarten center. She noted that, "There's a good chance it gets read by their parents, as well."
Karen reports:
I wanted to let you know that Red Lake Elementary School students presented Red Lake Rosie's Rescue with a check for the amount of $652.00.
Jolene Tallchief, chairperson of Red Lake Rosie's Rescue, myself, Mike, and Sarah took our little furry friends Sarge(pit bull/chow/mastiff mix), Sista (husky pup), and Sweet Pea (cat) to the school. The animals were received very well by the administration, teachers, and students alike.
Students had many questions for Mike and Sarah about the animals and the animals were very well behaved. Our Chairperson thanked the students and told them their generous donation would help fund a series of neuter/spay clinics that will be held in April and May.
The teacher that organized the event, Michelle Stapleton is interested in bringing a group of students to see how our neuter/spay clinic operates. The Principal Jean Whitefeather also stated that next year she would like us to bring in animals to the classrooms and also talk with the children about animal care and other issues.
In spite of bad weather we are happy we went and we all had a great day!!
Sincerely, Karen
"Red Lake Elementary School students and staff celebrated Kindness Week February 9 - 13. One of the activities they did to celebrate was to hold a penny drive. The students chose their favorite organization to donate the funds raised to and Red Lake Rosie's Rescue Shelter was the lucky recipient. The students in grades K - 5 raised an astounding $652! Wow! That's a lot of pennies!
We were all finally able to get together to make the official presentation of the check. The kids were all very excited to see the furry friends Karen and Company brought with to visit. Karen has said those funds will go toward the next clinic RLRR will be holding in April. Everyone at RLES is just glad to be able to help out such a great organization."
She also offered to include info about the clinics in the next RLES newsletter that goes home with all the students at RLES and the Kindergarten center. She noted that, "There's a good chance it gets read by their parents, as well."
I wanted to let you know that Red Lake Elementary School students presented Red Lake Rosie's Rescue with a check for the amount of $652.00.
Jolene Tallchief, chairperson of Red Lake Rosie's Rescue, myself, Mike, and Sarah took our little furry friends Sarge(pit bull/chow/mastiff mix), Sista (husky pup), and Sweet Pea (cat) to the school. The animals were received very well by the administration, teachers, and students alike.
Sincerely, Karen
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Update on pups Pepi & Petey and friends
Here's an update on Pepi, Petey and the little white shep pups that went to Dino for foster care. Pepi almost died the night he arrived as he was so hungry he got food stuck in his airway and Tony had to clear his airway.
Aren't they beautiful? We have 5 more of the litter still at the shelter looking for a rescue to take them on Easter Sunday which is our next transport.

Here's what Dino says:
I wanted to give you an update on Pepi (the little boy) he is in the first picture, and as you can tell he is doing great. The other two are together in the 2nd picture and healthy as can be. They will be getting adopted out in the next week or so.
Aren't they beautiful? We have 5 more of the litter still at the shelter looking for a rescue to take them on Easter Sunday which is our next transport.
Here's what Dino says:
I wanted to give you an update on Pepi (the little boy) he is in the first picture, and as you can tell he is doing great. The other two are together in the 2nd picture and healthy as can be. They will be getting adopted out in the next week or so.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Animal Ark headed to flooded NW Minnesota
Animal Ark has emergency responders leaving today to help animals displaced by flooding; learn more at Animal Ark's website.
Animal Ark is a great friend to RLRR, so please support their mission, too.
Animal Ark is a great friend to RLRR, so please support their mission, too.
Foster Home and Donations needed for HONEY
Honey also came on 3/3/09 from the same area in Redby where I got Shay. She also has mange, starvation, and is blind in her left eye and going blind in her right eye.
I got her surgery on eyes on 3/6/09 and a second surgery on 3/l7/09 for entropia. Hoping to save the eyesight on right eye.
She was spayed on 3/17/09- has been treated with oral ivermectin for mange since her arrival, She has tested positive for Anaplasmosis, Lymes AND Heartworm. We are currently treating for 21 days with doxycycline 400 mg.
Honey is a real mess, and we just had to try and help her in spite of all her medical issues. She is gaining weight quickly and has a great appetite.
She is looking for a long term foster home. We are thankful that the Red Lake Rosie's metro support group and other benefactors help these
very needy animals with their medical bills.
Sincerely, Karen Good RLRR
You can contribute by sending a check to
Red Lake Rosie's Rescue
23880 South Good Road
Trail, MN 56684
Clearwater Veterinary Services
Red Lake Rosie Rescue veterinarian account
Gonvick, MN 56644
If you wish to make a donation by credit card you can call the vet's office at 218-487-5227.
She was spayed on 3/17/09- has been treated with oral ivermectin for mange since her arrival, She has tested positive for Anaplasmosis, Lymes AND Heartworm. We are currently treating for 21 days with doxycycline 400 mg.
very needy animals with their medical bills.
Sincerely, Karen Good RLRR
You can contribute by sending a check to
Red Lake Rosie's Rescue
23880 South Good Road
Trail, MN 56684
Clearwater Veterinary Services
Red Lake Rosie Rescue veterinarian account
Gonvick, MN 56644
If you wish to make a donation by credit card you can call the vet's office at 218-487-5227.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Life is looking up for Shay
As always, I want to thank the metro committee and our supporters and rescues who take RLRR animals with multiple problems. I have stories on two recent rescues, Shay (today) and Honey (tomorrow) each of whom will need some extra care in special foster homes.
Shay came to RLRR on 3/4/09 starving and has demodex mange (not contagious- has to do with immune system, inherited). I was told by the people that she was starving and survived the winter by canibalizing her dead littermates -- poor thing. She was spayed on 3/17/09, and got parvo/distemper shot and she has been on ivermectin orally (to treat the mange) since 3/4/09. She had a topical treatment with Revolution on 3/5/09 for other parasites.
She is NEGATIVE for heartworm and POSITIVE for Lymes. She is currently on 300 mg of doxicyline for 21 days to treat the Lymes.
She is a very nice dog and just needs tender, loving care in a foster home willing to keep her long term, as her skin condition is going to take lots of time.
She is gaining weight rapidly. She is on puppy kibble and has a great appetite. She is very happy to be here where she has food and shelter. She weighs about 45 lbs. right now and has probably gained 10-15 lbs. in the last 15 days.
She is a great girl and really has suffered this past winter.
We want to say that because of the generosity of the supporters of RLRR we are able to help Honey, Shay and others like them.
Sincerely- Karen and RLRR
UPDATE: Shay has been placed in a foster home in Bemidji with a nice lady named G. I will keep you updated on her progress and get some pics next time I visit her.
Sincerely, Karen
She is a very nice dog and just needs tender, loving care in a foster home willing to keep her long term, as her skin condition is going to take lots of time.
She is a great girl and really has suffered this past winter.
We want to say that because of the generosity of the supporters of RLRR we are able to help Honey, Shay and others like them.
Sincerely- Karen and RLRR
UPDATE: Shay has been placed in a foster home in Bemidji with a nice lady named G. I will keep you updated on her progress and get some pics next time I visit her.
Sincerely, Karen
Monday, March 23, 2009
Poor Porky's problems
Porky was picked up in the Barton's Camp Projects and was not in good shape. He had a stiff front leg, mange, and starvation when we picked him up.
We got him to the vet in a couple of days, and he was neutered, had his blood checked and the leg was x-rayed. We found out he was heartworm, lymes and anaplasmosis positive! The vet claimed he had an old injury- a dislocated elbow joint and would require surgery. In other words, Porky was a real mess!

Porky was so likable and never complained despite his condition.
On March 1st, Lindsay Cline and her friend Andy were at the shelter and brought food, did some heartworm testing, and took animals to Akin Hills Pet Hospital.
When Lindsay saw Porky, she said "We will take him and get him help for his leg". Mike and I were amazed and so happy as we were sure no one would take Porky.
We found out the next day after they scanned Porky's leg- he actually had a bullet in his shoulder!! We are very thankful that he got the help he needed and no longer has to be in pain. Thank you Lindsay, Andy and Dr. Bartsch, Aiken Hills Pet Hospital, and Last Hope Rescue!!
Sincerely, Karen
We got him to the vet in a couple of days, and he was neutered, had his blood checked and the leg was x-rayed. We found out he was heartworm, lymes and anaplasmosis positive! The vet claimed he had an old injury- a dislocated elbow joint and would require surgery. In other words, Porky was a real mess!
Porky was so likable and never complained despite his condition.
On March 1st, Lindsay Cline and her friend Andy were at the shelter and brought food, did some heartworm testing, and took animals to Akin Hills Pet Hospital.
When Lindsay saw Porky, she said "We will take him and get him help for his leg". Mike and I were amazed and so happy as we were sure no one would take Porky.
We found out the next day after they scanned Porky's leg- he actually had a bullet in his shoulder!! We are very thankful that he got the help he needed and no longer has to be in pain. Thank you Lindsay, Andy and Dr. Bartsch, Aiken Hills Pet Hospital, and Last Hope Rescue!!
Sincerely, Karen
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Is anyone familiar with the rescue of Chippewa/Niji?
Dear Denise:
I got this email and am not sure we were the rescuers of Niji, but---anyway--it is a good story of a rescued Red Lake dog who now has a wonderful life!!
Beautiful pictures too. Sincerely, Karen :)
I adopted a dog named Chippewa from CARES back in October of 2005. (He's been re-named to Niji since the adoption.) He was estimated around 8 or 9 months old when I got him and we suspect he's a Shepard Husky Lab mix. I was also told that he was found abandoned on the Red Lake Reservation and somehow ended up with CARES and into a foster family near the Linwood, MN area.
I don't know anything about Niji's background at all, and CARES didn't either, save for where he was found. I actually volunteer with A Rotta Love here in the Cities, and I just happened across your website today, and I'm curious to know if your organization was perhaps the group that originally found and rescued Niji. If so, do you know anything about his history, and if he was ever socialized to people when he was a pup, or was he abused? He loves other dogs, but he definitely takes some time to warm up to new people, so I've always been so curious about what happened before he was rescued.
If you were the group that originally rescued him, he's doing wonderfully. He's such a sweet and loving dog, he's done amazingly well with his obedience classes and we're going to get him tested for the Canine Good Citizen soon as well. He's got a younger sister dog now, a Pit Bull named Bettie and they're best friends. I can't thank you enough for rescuing him, and I can't even imagine not getting to hang out with my awesome dog everyday. Even if your group didn't rescue him, I'm sure there are a lot of other Niji dogs that you have saved.
I've attached a few pictures of Niji and Bettie as well. :-)
I got this email and am not sure we were the rescuers of Niji, but---anyway--it is a good story of a rescued Red Lake dog who now has a wonderful life!!
Beautiful pictures too. Sincerely, Karen :)
Friday, March 20, 2009
March 8 transport to Park Rapids
A special thank you to Mike, Carolyn, Nancy and Tom for transporting 4 dogs to Headwaters Humane Society in Park Rapids on Sunday, March 8.

Golden Eagle, Snowball, Truxton and Mariah are all tucked in and waiting for adoption. We heard that Snowball took ill and was sent to the vet. We will keep you updated on her condition.

Thanks to Carolyn, Nancy, and Tom we have developed a relationship with Headwaters and have placed a number of dogs and puppies. All the animals sent there have been adopted.
Sincerely, Karen
Golden Eagle, Snowball, Truxton and Mariah are all tucked in and waiting for adoption. We heard that Snowball took ill and was sent to the vet. We will keep you updated on her condition.
Thanks to Carolyn, Nancy, and Tom we have developed a relationship with Headwaters and have placed a number of dogs and puppies. All the animals sent there have been adopted.
Sincerely, Karen
Thursday, March 19, 2009
PROGRESS! Red Lake Elementary School Fundraiser and video for RLRR
Check out this wonderful video about RLRR made by Karen's niece Sarah and read about the support RLRR is getting from the young people of Red Lake!!
Dear Friends:
Well, we must be making progress, as I got a very nice call from one of the elementary teachers who said the students at Red Lake elementary School had a contest, a Penny Drive, and raised $652.00 when they recently had a kindness week.
They have chosen Red Lake Rosie's Rescue as their favorite charity and will be presenting a check to us later this week or next.
Anyway--- I often get discouraged and sometimes find myself generalizing that our kids don't care about animals.
I guess there are kids out there that really do care, and that is great news!!
Have a great day- Karen and RLRR
Dear Friends:
Well, we must be making progress, as I got a very nice call from one of the elementary teachers who said the students at Red Lake elementary School had a contest, a Penny Drive, and raised $652.00 when they recently had a kindness week.
They have chosen Red Lake Rosie's Rescue as their favorite charity and will be presenting a check to us later this week or next.
Anyway--- I often get discouraged and sometimes find myself generalizing that our kids don't care about animals.
I guess there are kids out there that really do care, and that is great news!!
Have a great day- Karen and RLRR
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Transport of 15 dogs & pups on March 15
Dino is fostering 3 puppies, Petey, Pepi, and Coretta who came in with 8 puppies severely malnourished. She also took Geraldo aka Spunky Monkey who came in as a surrender after he had been mauled by a large dog.
Mona and Noreen went to All Dog Rescue. Mona had been at the shelter only 2 days, and may be pregnant. Noreen came in with only one pup- Hugo. She was left for a month in an abandoned house after the family moved out. All pups died except Hugo. Now Hugo is placed, and Noreen is spayed. She has heartworm, anaplasmosis and lymes and All Dog Rescue is going to provide her treatment and find her a good home where she will never be left behind again.
Julianne and her litter of 6 went to a foster home for Tricounty Humane Society. Rhoda came to the shelter with her litter of 2 suviving pups, Ezebun and Makwa (Bear and Racoon). She was homeless and moved into an occupied dog house to have her babies in the cold January weather. Her puppies are placed and she is now spayed. Thankfully, she had lymes but no heartworm!!
Rhoda also went to Tricounty. Precious went to Second Hand Dogs in Claremont, Minnesota.
I know you will enjoy the pictures.
Sincerely, Karen
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Good News for Alfie
I am forwarding this news on Alfie. She went from half-dead on the highway to a possibility for a great home!! Karen
Update from Pet Haven's dog blog:
What's It All About, Alfie?
Sweet Alfie went to a foster-with-intent home today. A very nice woman who found out about us through a friend who found out about us because she'd seen Ode walking around the neighborhood with her mom! Ode is a terrific ambassador! ;)
Alfie's new foster (and I'm hoping adoptive) sister is a 13 year old Dalmation blend. Foster mom B is a super-nice woman who Alfie took to right away.
Alfie had her first heartworm treatment on Tuesday. She's put on some weight and though she has a ways to go to be the right weight, she's had a bath and grooming, so she is looking sharp these days!.
Here's a report from her proud foster mom:
Well, things are still going well. Alfie has had no accidents in the house, she hasn't barked at all, and basically walks in a heel position. I think this is more due to her wanting to be next to me than actual technique, but I'll take it! Prudence (the resident dog) seems to be adjusting fairly well, but I want to truly give it a good amount of time to be certain about their relationship. My husband, too, is quite taken with her sweet, gentle dispositionAlfie also slept soundly all through the night, on the floor right next to the bed. She has yet to go into the kennel, but it doesn't really seem necessary, so... She enjoys my homemade peanut butter dog treats as well, so her appetite is good! Such a love. That's the update for now. Thanks, Gals!

What's It All About, Alfie?
Sweet Alfie went to a foster-with-intent home today. A very nice woman who found out about us through a friend who found out about us because she'd seen Ode walking around the neighborhood with her mom! Ode is a terrific ambassador! ;)
Alfie's new foster (and I'm hoping adoptive) sister is a 13 year old Dalmation blend. Foster mom B is a super-nice woman who Alfie took to right away.
Alfie had her first heartworm treatment on Tuesday. She's put on some weight and though she has a ways to go to be the right weight, she's had a bath and grooming, so she is looking sharp these days!.

Well, things are still going well. Alfie has had no accidents in the house, she hasn't barked at all, and basically walks in a heel position. I think this is more due to her wanting to be next to me than actual technique, but I'll take it! Prudence (the resident dog) seems to be adjusting fairly well, but I want to truly give it a good amount of time to be certain about their relationship. My husband, too, is quite taken with her sweet, gentle dispositionAlfie also slept soundly all through the night, on the floor right next to the bed. She has yet to go into the kennel, but it doesn't really seem necessary, so... She enjoys my homemade peanut butter dog treats as well, so her appetite is good! Such a love. That's the update for now. Thanks, Gals!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Morris: Living the good life
Sincerely, Karen
Thought you might enjoy some photos of Morris. He is such a delight !!!!!!!!!! Hope you are well. I'm glad to see the winter winding down now . . . I look forward to Spring each year.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Yukon and Sydney: Enjoying life together
Hi Karen!
Susan at All Dogs Rescue thought I should touch base with you fine folks at Rosie's. We recently adopted Yukon from All Dogs, and he's just an amazing boy! They were stunned when they found out our other dog, Sydney, came from the reservation as well. I was a little shocked myself!
Sydney (named Cinderella when we adopted her) came to us from St. Francis Animal Rescue. We got her back in March 2008. I don't know a lot about her history, but I know she came to St. Francis with two male littermates.
Anyway, she and Yukon get along wonderfully - it's almost as if they were meant for each other. They spend hours playing, and both have such high energy that I think I could throw a toy and have them fetch all night. Yukon's quite a talker himself, and lets us know when he thinks we've been gone too long. We each used to have one dog shadowing us, but now we have two!
I've attached a couple of pictures, including one of just Sydney. I'm not sure if you'll remember her or not, but she's just a great dog, too.
Thanks for all the work you do,
K & J
Susan at All Dogs Rescue thought I should touch base with you fine folks at Rosie's. We recently adopted Yukon from All Dogs, and he's just an amazing boy! They were stunned when they found out our other dog, Sydney, came from the reservation as well. I was a little shocked myself!
K & J
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