Monday, September 28, 2009

Winter bedding supplies received

Hi, and a special thank you to the friends of Red Lake Rosie who donated money for the 300 bales of oat straw needed for 2009-10 winter shelter bedding.

As it turned out our economical source at $2.00 per bale from last year dried up, and the price for the straw delivered and unloaded this year was a whopping $4.00 per bale. I needed $1200 to pay that bill and when I opened the mailbox yesterday, much to my surprise and great appreciation, I found $1,175.85 in donations!

We are happy to announce that the straw is delivered, stacked neatly and covered with tarp in the old hay shed AND paid for and all ready for winter. This supply should last the whole winter. If the Farmer's Almanac is correct we are expecting a bitterly cold and dry winter so now we are prepared.

Thank you donors!

Sincerely, Karen and RLRR

1 comment:

Jo Tallchief said...

That's such good news, Karen. Glad to hear it! :)


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