Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thank You AHS for the Successful April Clinic

The AHS clinic at Red Lake Rosie's Rescue was held April 22-24. Because of job commitments I didn't get up to the area until Tuesday evening. Karen and DeeDee had everything set up and ready to go, so when Wednesday morning came around "Go" was exactly what we did.
The parking lot was filled by 7:30 and we had the "Full for Today" sign posted by 8:30. The pace was fast and steady. Dr. Kim and her dedicated staff worked tirelessly all three days spaying/neutering and vaccinating the many gentle creatures that came through the doors of the warehouse. By the end of the clinic they had altered 106 animals and had done two emergency surgeries.
Only the animals registered to be altered, or previously altered animals, were given vaccinations. This opened a dialogue with some people who had come for "vaccinations only". It gave us a chance to talk about the benefits of spaying and neutering and the positive long term effects clinics have for the homeless starving animals on the reservation.
We succeeded in changing a few minds and, as always, hoped that we planted a few seeds. A delicate little white dog named Pearl and her companion (Mr. Personality) named Midnight, came in on the first day. They were such people dogs that they were rarely in their kennels, but rather followed us around as we went from chore to chore.
Midnight was particularly fond of Wanda (AHS volunteer) and kept her company for hours while she diligently sterilized the surgical instruments. I welcomed every free moment when I could pick up Pearl and feel that sweet little face tuck under my chin.
MIRANDA & PEARLWe thought that maybe they were going to be left when the clinic came to an end, and thought of how incredibly easy it would be to rehome them, but on Friday their owner came back. They were just two of the 100+ animals that went through the clinic doors.
We registered, weighed, held, fed, walked, cleaned, de-ticked, comforted, and carried, and in return they touched our souls. Tons of food, collars, treats, and leashes were free for the taking. We are very fortunate to have generous donations to share with the people.
Which brings me to Claudia's generous donation of delicious meals that kept us going strong. If you have experienced Claudia's meals you know what I am talking about, and if you haven't I would suggest that you add that to the plus side of "Reasons to go work at a Red Lake Clinic".

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