Recently we went and picked up a dog east of Redby where the owner said that his throat was allegedly cut. The owner was crying as we took her gasping dog and loaded him in the van. He was taken to the vet where it was determined that the trachea and voice box were both damaged and infected so badly there was nothing we could do. We had to send the dog across the Rainbow Bridge. It was a very sad and needless death for this animal.
The owner alleges another dog in her neighborhood had also been attacked with a knife and a small breed dog was missing.
More recently a call came to RLRR to rescue a mama dog, Ginger and her litter of puppies as they were living in a residence that was abandoned. This was from the west side of the reservation. Their dog house damaged by a child who was vandalizing the dog house and allegedly throwing lit fireworks in Ginger's house. A broken sword laid by her dog house. It was confiscated by RLRR. Ginger and her puppies are safe at the RLRR shelter. See original post HERE.
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Earlier this winter, Jacob was allegedly mutilated by such a sharp weapon. See original post HERE.
Parents need to stop providing these kinds of weapons for children, and if they see their child in possession of such a weapon, they must confiscate it. It is imperative that we stop the young people involved in this kind of sadistic behavior that will only lead them and our community to great harm.
Red Lake Rosie’s Board of Directors:
Jo Tallchief
Karen Good
Polly McMaster
Carol Priest
Parents need to stop providing these kinds of weapons for children, and if they see their child in possession of such a weapon, they must confiscate it. It is imperative that we stop the young people involved in this kind of sadistic behavior that will only lead them and our community to great harm.
Red Lake Rosie’s Board of Directors:
Jo Tallchief
Karen Good
Polly McMaster
Carol Priest
Parents, I beg of you. If you see ANY signs of this or any cruelty towards animals in your childrens behavior, get them help RIGHT AWAY!! It has been proven that most sociopaths start out with animal cruelity and advance to human cruelity. PLEASE get these children the help they need.
My thoughts are we need volunteers to come into the community and be leadership heroes to the youth. Show the right from wrong, how to say no to drugs, how to take pride in yourself, how to want better for yourself. I see enough people talking about how we need to save our reservation for a grassroots movement. But I don't live on the reservation so it's thought that my opinion doesn't matter or I'm an outsider, I'm still a band member.
I lived on the Rex. The sad truth is that's how it is. Sociopaths start out young with animal cruelty. Parents need to show the youth right from wrong. Not only natives but everyone
Oh my gosh, I am horrified! I hope the message gets out and these senseless acts of cruelty are stopped.
I'm not going to say that their need to just be more guidance of parents on the Red Lake reservation. Parents EVERYWHERE need to take more time with their kids, but I'm noticing it's hard for parents who have to work multiple jobs to supports their kids to sit down and really spend time with them. I will say, that I do not believe Red Lake is a bad place, like I know many people do. I wish I would be able to help the band members of Red Lake, and the others surrounding Bemidji, to preserve their historical culture so it is not lost.
I would like and address or numbers of these place discreetly, would like to speak with these ppl myself maybe even hurt them as well, cause that probably the only thing that will change their fucked up heads
For reals man, karmas a bitch. The creAtor wont let the heinous crime go unpunished.... Wjat goes around comes around.
Parents need to quite being drunks and drug addicts and be there form there kids instead of being there for there so called friends party God for bid that you stay home and be a good mom and dad. I'm sure you where not raised like that if so I pitty you and your parents for never breaking the cycle
Parent Alert !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First your dog or cat and next it will be you ..a on and so on . Everyone knows that . open your could be any kid awareness
If you read up on psychopaths this type of behavior is a common responsible and guide your children the right way or don't be surprised if you end up with your grandkids because the parent is in jail....js
Long time ago it was asked why red lake loses so many people the elders in Canada said theres a black spirt on the more familys losen our tradtional vaules as native that black spirit takes an takes lifes! Ones a beautiful place,became a battle field with nnoth nothing but sorrow an death .the more nothing is done to enforce a REAL solutions TO the epidemic of the new way to live the more the land will dye.the more the people will lake has become "HELL ON EARTH" . its sadness
Animal abuse is a gateway to murder , do your research , check the facts .
Why do you seek someone outside of your community to come in and be a positive leader and role model for your youth ? Can't you think of someone or a group of people within your community to step up and be that positive influence you are seeking ? Maybe the problem isn't a hidden one , maybe it's right in front of you . Remember it takes a village .......
I am stunned that the statement was made "parents you need to stop providing these weapons to your children" ...............seriously? that will stop this type of craziness??? no i think not.
ONLY A PSYCHO WOULD MUTILATE A DOG or any animal - if they went that far to do this to an animal - why wouldn't they do it to a human being? This is WAY ABOVE providing weapons to the youth.. this is MENTAL ISSUE.
Whom ever did this to these animals need some serious mental therapy - or to be admitted to a ward.
May God bless the Red Lake nation and the USA. We all need to step up to the plate and lead by example. Children learn by what they hear see and experience, starting as infants. Let's all make an effort and hold ourselves accountable as well as our young people!Let us pray. Amen.lp
May God bless the Red Lake nation and the USA. We all need to step up to the plate and lead by example. Children learn by what they hear see and experience, starting as infants. Let's all make an effort and hold ourselves accountable as well as our young people!Let us pray. Amen.lp
OMG this is sad parents need to get off the drugs an stop drinking would be a start an stop letting them do this to animals what next it'll be u parents an so on it needs to stop some where right this is so sad that these dogs had to go threw such harm when they did nothing wrong stop this crap I'll come take care of you maybe u should get ur kids taken away if u can't take care of them they might be better off any ways God will get u what comes around goes around karma is a bitch!!
Catch these kids charge them make em sit in juvie and make them pay for vet bill. Or charge the parents.
Wtf is wrong with people now days. They need to be cough and put in jail for a long long long time along with their parents.
Oh nah
I agree! Get them help ASAP!
No respect at all for Animal life parents who let there kids do anything will always let them get Way with it, young parents r 2 worried about their drugs and Alcohol raise your damn kids right smh Im from Millelacs Band and its sad reading stuff like this grow up get a life raise your kids right like some 1 said SAVAGES
Do you know for sure that their parents are on drugs and alcohol some people can have the strict or good parents and this could happen maybe it's an adult that did this but whose ever at fault needs to be torchured just like them animals
yeah well people cant rely on volunteers to teach their children right from wrong. its called being a parent. maybe people should spend more time with their kids and take them out to do things rather than leaving them with idle hands. maybe its drugs maybe its mental issues or maybe its just a sick fucks that enjoys hurting living things. the point of the matter is theres no excuse for this behavior. if they cant raise their kids maybe they shouldnt have any.
I STRONGLY strongly believe if we start reaching out to our youth!!out of "OUR OWN FREE WILL" if you come across any of our youth in distress,looking like there down an out,talk with them,all we need to do is step up an mentoring our youth an guide them,feed them,
Simply just a hug are any postive impact to a youth alone,will lift there spirts an you could change a childs life by one simple hug.
I m surrounded by youth,my children have many friends.i talk to them all encourage them to finish school an become,letting them know how hard it was to live life nothing but a if they choose that life it would be hard.i ways encourage them that even if they feel alone theres someone who loves focus on education.theres alot of youth that are hurting..all they need is that positive impact..EVERYONE IS POINTING FINGERS AN PUTTING THEM BLAME ONE WHO EVER.WHILE WE WAST TIME POINTING FINGERS OUR YOUTH ARE OUT THERE LOST.WE GOT TO STOP THE BLAMING AN POINTING GAME!! STAND THE FUCK Up FOR OUR YOUTH!!!!!for our FUTURE GENERATIONS
They dont need programs because there made feel ashamed,they dont reAch out because we turn our back..these children are hurt,alone,hungry,abused mentally,emotionally,sexually..their not murders ECT..they are hurt...being judged..ashamed of who they are. break them down giving them no hope at life
Only if we stop pointing a fucking fingers..who cares whos kid it was are what parent is drink are doing drugs
.it is up to us as a NATION tO guide our youth regardless of thier background nore situation..
if you let your dogs run like every1on the rez does ur jus as guilty as the person with the knife
Burn the whole fkn place down sicc fucks
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