A car arrived at Red Lake Rosie's Rescue from Ponemah with a mom cat and litter of four kittens in a crate sitting on an old rain-soaked pillow. The smallest kitten weighed only 11 oz. while the other three all weighed 1 lb 5 oz. Karen didn't know just how old the kittens were, but they were hungry. She gave them formula by syringe and put kibble, water, and canned food in their cage.
Karen was particularly concerned about that tiny kitten, so she was glad to send the family off in just two days to foster care with ACT V. I decided to step out of my hiatus from fostering to try to help with group, so I met the transport and brought Eddy the pup and the cat family to ACT V.
Since Eddy seemed near death from dehydration and anemia, so he got immediate attention. I had some time to meet the family. Mama cat is a sleek brown tabby named Cleopatra for her long slim body and the beautiful markings on her face. The kittens included Leo, the fluffy tabby boy, Mickey & Minnie, the tuxedo brother and sister twins, and the tiny black sister was called Smidgen.
Smidgen had an echocardiogram on Wednesday which revealed mitral valve stenosis, tricuspid regurgitation, an enlarged right-sided heart and pulmonary hypertension. Obviously bad news.
However, she seems happy and she is eating. She even plays until she gets tuckered out.
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