Diesel delights
Hi Everyone,
Thought we'd send another update your way.
Diesel (fka Rusty) just recently turned a year old (we think), and is doing awesome. He's gradually transitioning from goofy puppy and into a more mature and reliable member of the family (not that we have a problem with goofy).
His attitude is nothing short of amazing given his rocky start- his tail is always wagging and he's always happy.
It turns out that he's got an appreciation for music too- his most recent stunt was accompanying the five year old member of our family in a violin/doggie duet.
We cannot express how happy we are that he's a part of our family.
Thanks again for all you do!
Diesel's Family
What a handsome boy he's grown to be, so well cared for.
I just got a letter from Diesel's mom and she tells me his "good time Charlie " nature has made him very popular at obedience school.
Also he will be competing for AKC obedience degrees in dog shows that have no breed component.
I will forward the letter to Denise for further blog on this boy!! Thank you all for making it possible for a little mangey puppy soaked in diesel fuel with skin sores to become this beautiful animal giving joy to his family.
Sincerely, Karen
OMG, what a beautiful dog & what a great picture with his young friend! Thank you so much to Diesel's family and everyone who helped him get there!
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