Miss Kitty, the cat, and Bubba, the Bulldog, held sessions on May 15th and 16th during ”National Pet Week” teaching students in grades 1 – 5 at Red Lake Elementary School about Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue and
our activities.
Kevin as Bubba the Bulldog was a big hit with the
students. Bubba explained the life of a
rescue dog at the Red Lake Rosie’s shelter and had a stern message about
dogfighting, as he said that earlier in life he was forced to fight with other
dogs, and it was no fun. Bubba told the kids to report animal fighting and any
cruelty to the police department.
Bubba also recounted his early life on a chain which was
very lonely. Bubba bragged that he was a smart one who got neutered
and urged students to get their pet friends in to the next clinic June 10-12 in
Redby to also get them neutered or spayed.
Karen as "Miss Kitty" talked with the kids
about the cats of Red Lake and the perils of not being indoors and protected
from dogs such as Bubba.
Also visiting was
John Little, an elder form the Redby community with his 2 small breed dogs, Dottie and Sucra. His dogs were happy,
healthy and well groomed. We asked students how they could have dogs as healthy as John’s dogs and they gave many
great ideas including proper diet, watering, sheltering, vet care, grooming,
and most of all love.
Red Lake Rosie's furry visitors included Lily and Lilah, the shepherd pups, and Mouser. The kids
loved them all.
Special emphasis was put on chaining and the lonely life
of a chained dog. It was a very
rewarding and learning experience for all.
We have an open invitation to come to visit the school with animals and
our message.
These students raised nearly $1,000 for us earlier during
Kindness Week, and we explained that we used the funds to help with clinic
expenses. We want to thank Michelle Stapleton, teacher, for
organizing the fundraisers and also the school visits.