RLRR helpers: Mike and Sarah and Kevin
It is the first official day of spring and we have more than nice weather to be thankful for. We are happy to report that the Gehl skidloader which spends lots of time being broken down, is back in service again. Mike and myself have been moving tons of soiled straw from the kennels using the wheel barrow which seems to me an endless job when we have up to 17 outdoor kennels in use.
Thank you to Kevin for installing the starter and fixing the tire yesterday. See the picture of Mike enjoying the Gehl again!!
Mike has been employed at the shelter since November 15 when Benay returned to her home in Washington Island, WI. Mike can be seen walking dogs, taking animals to vet, transporting animals out, fostering cats and dogs with special needs, giving meds, cleaning kennels and handling any emergency that comes up.
Mike's salary is paid by the Red Lake Gaming Commission until May. We are currently working with the Bemidji Workforce Center to secure youth employment funding for 300 hours which will last 7 1/2 weeks, and then the possibility of them picking Mike up on their regular work program.
It is wonderful to have Mike working. He has never missed one day of work and his schedule is 7 days per week on a split shift, so he pretty much has to be here all the time. He is great with the animals and does a fantastic job.
Sarah who made the video for RLRR is 20 years old, and she graduated from Red Lake ALC 3 years ago. She is my brother Roger's daughter and does volunteer work at the shelter. She lives at my dad's house near the shelter since he passed away.
She works at the 7 Clans Casino and volunteers as she can at the shelter.
She and Mike have adopted one of the cats that came in after the RAVS clinic with upper respiratory problems. The cat is doing fine today.
They also foster dogs and puppies as needed from the shelter. Today they are fostering Montana who had neuter surgery yesterday and likes to tear out his stitches and seems to get out of his E-Collar.
THANK YOU Kevin, Mike, and Sarah
for your incredible help and loyalty to Karen and her mission.
Please know we are extremely grateful to you!!
Thank you to whoever posted! I love seeing the after photos of these wonderful dogs after they have been adopted. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say it is a refreshing site to see them happy and healthy from when we first encounter them in such poor states. Thank you all for helping to donate, adopt, and post on this website.
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