Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mini-Clinic follow-up

A Red Lake Rosie's Rescue Mini-Clinic was held in Redby on March 16 & 17. We called it a Mini-Clinic, because we altered cats and male dogs, but not female dogs.
Dr. Vicki, from ACT V Rescue and Rehabilitation, brought her team to the shelter and the warehouse where they spayed and neutered 50 cats and five male dogs.
Dr. Vicki was recently trained in administering Zeuterin to male dogs. This is a new, non-surgical sterilization. Zeuterin (sterile water, zinc gluconate & arginine) is injected into the testicles where it kills the sperm and shuts down the passageway through which it travels. The procedure is fast, relatively safe, and permanent. Having the ability to neuter male dogs without surgery is a big leap forward. Dr. Vicki sterilized five male dogs using Zeuterin.

Dr. Vicki brought another veterinarian, Dr. Lori, who performed flank spays on the female cats. A flank spay is an alternative method of ovariohysterectomy in which the incision is made on the left side of the body (the flank) rather than on the midline of the abdomen. Because the incision with a flank spay is on the side of the body, the incision is easier to monitor from a distance. If a cat is nursing kittens, a flank incision is not near the mammary glands and is more comfortable for the mother post-operatively. The incision is less likely to become contaminated if the cat is not able to be kept in a perfectly clean environment following surgery. If the spay incision breaks down after surgery, protrusion of vital organs through the incision is less likely with a flank incision.
About 30 previously altered animals were given vaccinations and wormed.

Eleven cats and dogs were surrendered at the clinic and many more in the week following it
Thank you to everyone who came to Redby to help reduce the overpopulation of animals on the reservation – Vicki, Lori, Alisa, Sara, Sandi, Savannah, Cathy, Mike, Lauren, Deb, and Carol.
Our next clinic is April 24-26. Please let us know if you can join us for a unique and rewarding experience!


Anonymous said...

Great crew! Thank you Dr Vicki
and outstanding medical team for
your work. Lauren and Mike
...DeeDee, Deb, Carol....and so many other loyal volunteers.....thank you. And of course, thank you Karen and Red Lake Rosie's for helping these animals stay healthy by providing

Mo said...

Will there be any more opportunities soon? Just adopted a male kitten and I would like a non-surgical procedure for his neutering.


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