Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Milo continues to recuperate, pt.2

Everyone hopes that one day Milo will look like his foster brother collie, Leo, with a long beautiful coat of fur, but that will take a long, long time because Milo has been so sick and so malnourished.

He already has the sweetest face!

Milo first had to recover from diarrhea and a bad cough. When he was stable enough, he had a dental procedure on his terrible teeth and an infection was discovered causing a hole up into his sinus area. His mouth has been slow to heal, so he has been on soft food and antibiotics for a long time.

Milo doesn't have a lot of energy, but he always stays close to his foster mom. He loves to lay in the grass...

...or nap in the bed.

His unusual appearance and gentle nature get attention wherever Milo goes.

He was reunited with Barbie who transported him from Red Lake to the Cities. She was impressed with how much better he looked. His bloodwork is improving with each vet visit and he has gained ten pounds.

I think Milo figures he is already in heaven despite the ongoing illness and vet visits. He is living in a beautiful place with dogs for friends and people who love him. I believe Milo has a special spirit to have survived such terrible neglect and to offer nothing but love in return.

You can learn so much more about Milo on his blog, "Milo the foster collie; his new leash on life" at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Milo is so fortunate to have found an incredible foster home, full of
love and patience and understanding. And being able
to interact with fellow furry friends no doubt has built his confidence. We are so pleased for Milo and grateful for the help and medical care he receives....thank you all.


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