Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Elliot: From hopeless to happiness

It was late on Friday night, September 20th, when a call came from the Red Lake Police Department. A concerned police officer had a dog that was down on a chain. According to the neighbors, the dog was allegedly chained with no food or water for extended periods of time. Now this little brown dog could not get up or walk and had given up on life.
“Would Red Lake Rosie’s take the dog?” the officer asked. He was concerned that the dog might not make it. We readily agreed and the officer said he had shared his lunch with the very hungry dog and now he was hopeful that he would live if he was brought to the shelter.
Conservation Officer Cloud brought the little male dog out to the shelter, carried him in gently, and placed him on a blanket in the kennel. It happened that Polly, Karen and Jo of the Red Lake Rosie's Rescue Committee were all at the shelter and helped to tuck him in. We had prepared a gruel of grain–free kibble, water, and canned food. He ravenously ate it all up and began to wag his tail. We named him Elliot.   

After several meals and sufficient water, Elliot began to really recuperate and put on weight. Elliot also had a head wound, cause unknown, which is healing well. He is a little brown terrier mix and was neutered at the Gonvick vet and vaccinated by ACT V's Dr. Vickie when some of their group visited the shelter recently.

Elliot is a very social dog and loves the other animals and people in spite of the way he had been treated. He is playing and romping in the shelter yard and is so happy that he no longer is left on a chain to die with nothing to eat or drink. Not only does chaining take away the animal's ability to get food and water- it is a very lonely life.
Elliot has many friends at the shelter and he smiles a lot these days!
Thank you to the Red Lake Police Department and the Red Lake Conservation Officer Cloud for transporting Elliot to the shelter. Today Elliot is a wonderful, happy dog with a great future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big thank you to Officer Cloud and the Tribal Police Dept. for helping save Elliot's life!!!


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