Lily's eyes
I am writing on behalf of Lily, a pit mix female who was brought to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue on Sunday, March 6th wrapped in a bloody blanket---She had been dog attacked, and was bleeding profusely. She was dumped from a car at a residence in Redby. Avis, one of our great people from the community, brought her here to get help.
Lily was the NICEST dog I have met. I felt so bad for her- there is no way she would be in a dog fight and had to have been attacked unprovoked.
The vet found many old scars all over her body that had healed, so she had been attacked before multiple times.
She was about 2 years old and it was clear by the look in her eyes she had had a hard life full of pain. She was so sweet; she did not flinch when the vet cleaned her wounds or handled her -- totally cooperative and nice.
She was placed on antibiotics, pain meds, and received sub-cu fluids as we tried to bring up her temp as it was only 98 degrees from laying wounded out in the snow that cold morning. She came back to the rescue from the vet and was cared for in the cathouse.
To my sorrow, she died later that evening. It was a very sad day for me, but Lily suffers no more. She died in a warm house on soft blankets, with someone who petted her and told her everything was going to be okay.
I had hoped so much that she could live to enjoy life on earth, but for Lily, it was too little too late.
Thank you for supporting Red Lake animals like Lily.
This sweet little angel will not be
forgotten. I firmly believe these
little ones who don't get a fair shake in life and lose their battle get a special place in doggie heaven. Lily will be right
there in the front. We love you,
I have tears in my eyes reading this story, seeing the pain in those big brown eyes hurts me somewhere deep inside.
While I know Lily is no longer in pain, and one loss among many successes pales.
It's always the ones you lose that stand in your mind-could I have tried harder?
What I take comfort in in this story is that Lily got to see that not all humans are cruel and neglectful. That someone in the community stepped up to try and help this dog.
I see this as a victory, that Karen's work is inspiring more and more people in Red Lake to think about their animal families.
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