Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Red Lake residents support RLRR

Tony and Vonnie of Red Lake have been very helpful to RLRR for the past year. They have been rescuing and transporting animals to the shelter on a regular basis and are supplied gas for the trips.

TONY & VONNIETony works for Red Lake Housing and is sent all over the reservation and in his daily travels he sees many dogs and pups in need. He calls one of the RLRR people and then will bring the animal. He has saved over 200 this past year.

We have been very hopeful about the reduction of cases of mange in dogs, but last week Tony and Vonnie brought 6 very mangey animals in three trips to the shelter.

MISTERThey brought 4 puppies on the first trip. These pups came from the Ponemah dump. We have named the larger pup Mister. The three smaller ones are Toto, Tanya and Taneka.

TOTO, TANYA, TANEKAThen a day later they brought a husky we call Jewelz. She happens to be a sister to Rusty the puppy that went to Dino Beuge last winter that had been immersed in motor oil as a treatment for mange. He got sick and was surrendered to us, however Jewelz was not. Now they have decided to surrender her, as her mange continued to worsen.

JEWELZThen a day after that they arrived with a female shep we call Jonnie Cakes, Her bags were large but there were no puppies with her. She is a wonderful dog.

JONNIE CAKESWe want to thank Tony and Vonnie for their dedication in bringing cats and dogs to the shelter. Now all these animals have hope for a brighter future.

Lauren and Mike gave the four mangey pups, Mister, Toto, Tanya, and Teneka, all a special bath when they visited and they took them to foster care with Terresa, RLRR Petfinder foster and manager, and Kate, Caring Hands.

Thank you all who also transport animals out and to the receiving

Karen Good and RLRR

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