Monday, July 13, 2009


I wanted to send a pic of a kitten that just came to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue. A., one of my former ALC students found this kitten alive near a pile of dead littermates at the garbage dump today. Four of the littermates were stomped to death by someone who dropped them off at the dump. Miraculously, this dear little kitten somehow escaped this horrible death and is now here at the shelter.

SURVIVORThe sad part of the story is the horrible abuse these kittens encountered. The good part is that a young person found "Survivor" and cared enough to get the kitten to Polly and now she is safe.

Sincerely, Karen and RLRR

NOTE: We are always looking for foster homes and adopters for cats and kittens from Red Lake, as well as for all the dogs and puppies.

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