ZED (note from foster caregiver Linda):
I've had a few applications for Zed but they all fell through. He is a very active, curious boy - first one up the steps. Loves to chase after his "foster doggy mom" Charlie. A first time home and someone without small children would be the best scenario for him. Would love to see him go home to a home with another dog to help "train" him. Learn about adopting Zed
NOTES ABOUT ADOPTIONS OF THE OTHER "Z" PUPS (from foster caregiver Linda and adopters):
ZABRINA (note from Linda):
Zabrina went to a first time dog owner couple, no kids, who just LOVE her and she is already in obedience classes.
ZAC (note from adopters):
"Sam changed Zac's name to Finn and he is doing wonderful. Sam is beyond thrilled!!"
ZAMBONI (note from Linda):
Zamboni went to a young couple who works split shifts and just moved into their first house - he will be spoiled for sure.
ZEKE (note from adopters):
"Everything is going very well with Zeke! We renamed him Darwin. He is fitting in very well with the family and older brother, Turbo. Turbo has been helpful in training him. Potty training has been going great. We are down to maybe 1 accident per day in the last week. He sleeps through the night without problems. Darwin is a very sweet, smart boy. He often looks like he is just calmly taking everything in. He already knows how to "sit" just from observing Turbo. Darwin tends to go with the flow. If the family is doing something quiet, he tends to be a quiet little snuggler. He also loves to play. He has done well with the holidays and family excursions. Over Christmas he took his first long car trip up to Brainerd for a few days."
Zodiac was just adopted - congratulations on finding your forever home, Zodiac!!
ZORRO (note from adopter):
"Things are going great with
Teddy (formerly Zorro)! He has really become a part of the family. He has taken a liking to our
older dog Joey, and Joey has come around since the first couple days. They love
to play in the snow together and they eat their pig ears right next to each
ZULU (note from Linda):
Zulu started getting lots of apps but went a fantastic family with older kids and an older dog - she is going to be thoroughly loved, no doubt about it.
ZUNI (note from adopter):
"Zuni (now known as Delta) is doing wonderful! She's growing so fast, at least in my eyes. We are working on the potty training and she's getting the hang of it but definitely still has her accidents.
She has met many people, and many dogs, and loves them all. She loves to play with other dogs, and play she does! Even if the other dogs are tired out, she still wants to continue. She's mouthing and chewing on everything and everyone she can get her little teeth on, but I have found a few toys that she really enjoys that can distract her quickly. I'm so in love, I could go on and on about her. But overall, she's great."
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