Last August was my very first Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue spay/neuter clinic. As a long-time volunteer for a partnering organization called Pet Haven Inc. of Minnesota, I have heard the stories from my fellow volunteers who have gone to a clinic and came back with so many stories. In addition to their urging, I had also fostered several dogs who were transferred from RLRR and I really wanted to see the area they came from, for myself. So, up I travelled, with my fellow Pet Haven volunteer, Laura.
Research shows that temperament is bred into dogs (and people!) and this was illustrated in its finest form at the clinic. Never have I ever been in a place where a small group of people handle dozens of fearful dogs and not a single person gets bit. Almost all the dogs were undersocialized but they had this respect for people that I have never, ever seen anywhere else. I truly believe this is attributed to the people of Red Lake and I so admire it. On the flip side, however, I also saw dogs with embedded collars, a dog who had been infected with porcupine quills in its face for several days before coming to the clinic, and many emaciated/tick filled/dirty animals. I saw a dog who had been beaten with a baseball bat by a group of kids, and another dog who had a broken leg that was never treated and had healed incorrectly, causing her to limp…which is a big deal with how much Red Lake dogs walk.
It was at this clinic that I also met ‘Rounder’ – a Red Lake dog who was surrendered with her puppies. At her time of surrender she had really bad mange and was missing hair along her back. She also was Lymes and Heartworm positive; both are deadly diseases if not treated. Rounder was one of Karen’s favorites because she was one of few dogs who could interact with both the “house pack” (Karen’s dogs) and the “shelter pack” (shelter dogs). Therefore, she was “always around” (aka Rounder). [See earlier post How Maime became Rounder.]
By this point I had fostered other HW+ Red Lake dogs, so the plan was for me to take Rounder home with me and keep her calm through the long heartworm treatment process. I will never forget the day that Karen put Rounder in the back of my car. Karen surrenders hundreds of dogs a year to Twin Cities partnering rescues, and as such she needs to remain somewhat detached from the dogs she is sending off in good faith. But this day, in the back of my car, Karen broke down. She hugged and kissed her Rounder the way that many of us would do if we had to give up our dogs. I asked several times if she was sure she wanted to send Rounder off and her only response was that she wanted what was best for Rounder – to get better medically, and live as a cherished indoor dog and she knew I/Pet Haven would provide her that opportunity. What a selfless gift she gave! [See earlier post Update on Karen's buddy Rounder.]
By this point I had fostered other HW+ Red Lake dogs, so the plan was for me to take Rounder home with me and keep her calm through the long heartworm treatment process. I will never forget the day that Karen put Rounder in the back of my car. Karen surrenders hundreds of dogs a year to Twin Cities partnering rescues, and as such she needs to remain somewhat detached from the dogs she is sending off in good faith. But this day, in the back of my car, Karen broke down. She hugged and kissed her Rounder the way that many of us would do if we had to give up our dogs. I asked several times if she was sure she wanted to send Rounder off and her only response was that she wanted what was best for Rounder – to get better medically, and live as a cherished indoor dog and she knew I/Pet Haven would provide her that opportunity. What a selfless gift she gave! [See earlier post Update on Karen's buddy Rounder.]
Rounder underwent her treatments and was a total champ. She was adopted out in December 2013 by an amazing family. She lives with a small dog, “Toots”, a cat, a single mom and her teenage/adult children. She gets a run in each morning and goes to doggie daycare once a week. She is so loved!
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I got the opportunity to baby-sit Rounder, now Meka (Hawaiian for “eyes”), a couple of weeks ago and she is as spunky as ever. She has such an amazing little personality! She loves to play and I honestly don’t know if her brain is ever in non-play mode. Even at night, when I go to pet her as she is sleeping, she wakes up and instantly wants to play! She loves other dogs and really enjoys car rides and meeting new people. She has truly blossomed and is the best possible dog you could ask for! Oh – and isn’t she STUNNING?!
Meagan M
You are a beauty, Rounder. Sounds like Karen sent you off with much love and to people who became your guardian angels.
So happy for you!!! Thank you all for helping Rounder.
God bless you for all the work you do to save these poor dogs and cats! I am so grateful for your dedication to making life better for so many abused animals!! Thank you!!! Thank You!!!
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