Leroy came to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue from a life on a chain with a huge tumor growing on his rear flank. He had his initial surgery up north. The tumor weighed eight pounds (!), but was benign and has not regrown. See the
first blog post about him.

He moved down to the Cities where
Act V made some improvements to his surgical site and his health was renewed. He has been adopted by a fellow who is a perfect match and Leroy can't stop smiling.

I just wanted to give you an update on Leroy. It just gets better. This is the happiest dog I have ever seen.
We moved out to the country where he has a corn field in the back yard and a lake in the front. Lots of windows to scope out squirels and rabbits during the day. He doesn't need to be chained anymore.
He runs around a big lot and occasionally into the corn field after an irresistable rabbit. I got a collar that beeps so I can find him when this happens. We still go for walks every morning no matter what the weather, but he is good to go for the rest of the day, so it's worth it.
The night time walks have so far been replaced with boat rides. I mention "wanna go for a boat ride" and he's doing back flips, runs like a lightning bolt down to the boat and does a 5' leap into the boat. It's like the dog can fly.
He has a lot of dog friends in the neighborhood and has become very socialized. Everyone in the neighborhood loves him. Thank you for rescuing this incredible dog.
When introduced to his new vet, they looked at him and said, "get ready for a good life"!!
Thanks again,
If RLRR had only rescued one dog- Leroy- it would have been all worthwhile. This dog suffered so much and it is heartwarming to see him with a smile on his face continuously- That is why he is smiling--he so appreciates all the love you have given him, and he has a reason now to smile - no longer having to carry that 8 pound tumor on his leg. THANK YOU ACT V and adopted family!!
Thank you Mike and Lauren for keeping Leroy alive the night after surgery from hemmorrage, and taking him to the metro the next day. Had it not been for you - he possibly would have died.
Look at the fruits of your labor of kindness!!
Now this is the kind of life that
Leroy deserves! Thank you to
everyone for this rescue, extensive
medical treatment, and to his new
owner. Keep us updated on this
sweet boy.
Comment received from Leroy's person:
Hi Denise,
That is an incredible piece on Leroy. He really appreciates his new daily life. I don't know how hard his past was? He has not done any sort of damage to anything. Not even torn up one of his squeak toys. If I am vacuuming, he picks them up and moves them to a safe location, like he is rescuing them. He just doesn't take anything for granted and appreciates everything he gets. I don't know what he has been through to make him this nice now? Thank you for all your work and ACT V for saving him.
Thanks, Chris
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