Wanted to send you this from John V. who was nice enough to take these kids home from the transport and get them on to Tricounty Humane Society in St. Cloud the following day.
We are so thankful we have so many friends in the metro willing to transport, bring food, overnight our pups and cats, raise funds, and maintain the blog. Without all these people, the animals of Red Lake Rosie's Rescue would not get the help they are now getting.
KarenHere's John's experience:
I picked up the 3 large pups at Barb O's home in Minneapolis Saturday afternoon. Barb had just arrived and kennels were everywhere. She led Thunder to my vehicle and we loaded Addie and Maddie who were both in a kennel in the backseat, and I headed home. I opened the side gate which opens to my side/back yard and drove right in, closing the gate behind me.
The weather was perfect, so I let all the pups out -- unsure at first, they slowly started playing and enjoying the freedom of my yard. I introduced them to my 3 dogs (2 hound mixes and a chihuahua) and a great pyrennes/golden, plus a shi-zhu/poodle I was babysitting and this was quite a scene.
Everyone got along fine and the backyard was a beehive of activity. I set up their kennels on the deck, then began to prepare their dinner. Thunder inhaled his dinner, Addie ate quickly and Maddie took her time. Everyone was enjoying the mild weather and there were lots of things to explore, so this was a very enjoyable time for the pups and a good time for me to give them a lot of affection and attention.
Hours later, when it was time for bed, I wrapped a tarp under, then over their kennels and over a deck table with one side open for ventilation, put a little ceramic heater under the table to keep some warmth going, and brought out a radio to so the pups could hear something to keep them company. I checked on them periodically to make sure the temperature was comfortable. Very mild temperatures were on our side with no rain, which helped to make this quite simple.
I wanted to bring them all inside, but with 5 other dogs, it would be clumsy. (had it been hot or cold, they would have been in the house, but the weather was quite
beautiful) I got up in the middle of the night and let them all out to run and do their business as I wanted them to be comfortable in their kennels. I also fed them all again.....Thunder again inhaling his food, Addie ate slowly and Maddie just looked at her food.
In the morning play time started again, and the back yard and access to the deck and the water bowl, and 5 other dogs made for a great playland for the pups. I was able to spend time with them, taking pictures and giving them as much affection as possible. Thunder seemed to want to be held as he demonstrated a great need for affection and touch, and the two lab mixes were just having fun.
I enjoyed sitting on the steps of the deck just taking it all in, petting and playing with them and trying to give them hands-on affection which Thunder especially seemed to need and soak up. They were all so nice and clean, so someone had given them a bath and I will admit, that was nice as I was expecting to give 3 baths at my house.
That afternoon after our pleasant time together, I sadly had to load them up and we drove to St. Cloud. Sweet Thunder sat in the front right seat and I was able to give him affection all the way to Tri-county. I gave that boy a lot of kisses and hugs as he was so sweet and seemed to want to be held and petted constantly. I gave them all a leashed walk before taking them into Tri-County.
I started to feel a familiar sadness as they were being admitted to the shelter. I gave them all kisses and did what I do with all the fosters I take care of.....no matter how briefly- and I am sure that other foster parents deal with this goodbye in simliar fashion. I kissed them one last time, told them that I loved them and hoped that they have a good life.
I got to see them all after they were given a kennel as I quickly toured the facility and I went through my goodbyes again and that produced some more tears as I am an emotional slob. Thunder recognized me and my voice and seemed a bit confused as to why he was behind the kennel door, so I reached through as best I could and petted his head and talked to him. These brief encounters really do get to my heart and little Thunder had responded so sweetly as he was the neediest of the 3. My hope is that all of them find their way into a very loving, attentive home.
For 24 hours, I thoroughly enjoyed those 3 little angels, and I found I wanted to keep them longer so I could hug and kiss them as much as possible, and enjoy watching them play in the backyard, enjoying freedom, the falling leaves, a bowl of water to drink, good food and a very happy place with lots of company and affection. This was a brief but wonderful experience for me.
Sincerely, John
Oh, John, you are an absolute saint! Sharing all that love
with these angels was priceless,
and you sent them all on their
way with that goodness. Thank you
for giving them the best gift
I know what you mean - it takes some intestinal fortitude to give up fosters. I always treat mine like they're in their Forever Home, and then I get the call that they have a ride out and - it's not easy, that's for sure. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but it does come with a price. I love your story! Having that many animals is a lot of work, I know! ^_^ Have a great autumn!!
John - we have not met, but
I wanted to say thank you for
taking on that extra pile of dogs
when you obviously already care for
great job
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