He will be sadly missed by the dogs & me and the volunteers, as well. He was one of a kind, and a very great manager of the shelter.
For the RAVS Clinic in the heat of the summer of 2006, I volunteered for kitchen duty. It was my first clinic and I didn’t trust what I might say if I saw an animal in a dire or abused situation.
The first afternoon one of Karen’s helpers came racing in and asked for help to load large sized crates and off she went. A bit later she came back with 4 dogs. Turns out she had seen these dogs laying along a road malnourished, no water or caretaker.
Due to his size no one felt right about crating him so we got a tie out and connected him to one of the main posts by the kitchen. What happened after that was nothing less than a miracle.
The general consensus was that he didn’t have much going for him. He was quite old, half lame and could barely stand. Many times during that day one of the many volunteers brought him a little bowl of food and gave him a hug. Numerous times I looked out and there was someone crying over him. To put it simply- he was pathetic and no one thought he would make it.
to Karen's.
They got their own kennel the first night and, if I recall correctly, by morning Grandpa had “busted” himself out of the kennel and was free roaming. There
was no keeping that dog penned up, but by this time he realized that there was good food coming his way and he probably thought he was at a 4 Star hotel so he didn’t run.
He also taught me a lesson about the durability of these animals. That
with some TLC and possibly love for the first time in their lives, these animals can bounce back from horrendous circumstances and surprise us all.
With each visit to RLRR we were
greeted by Grandpa......it was
a 'must' for him to say hello. Grandpa managed to keep tabs on
everyone, every dog, every human
who visited the rescue....he was
such a huge part of RLRR.....the
official greeter. Oh, he will be
dearly missed and forever loved.
Thanks for the great post, Colleen. I feel the same as "Anonymous" about Grandpa. I can't imagine Karen's without him. I will miss him dearly.
Well, I know Karen and Grandpa are going to miss each other - but you'll see each other again some day. I'm glad he had good doggie years out at Karen's - and pets are good teachers of forgiveness. You're in our hearts forever, Grandpa and Karen!
Thank you for the great remembrance, Colleen! I'm so glad Grandpa had those wonderful years out at Karen's.
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