Saturday, December 31, 2016

Fowl friends find a home before foul weather

One day an unusual call came to RLRR shelter- Would we take two ducks and a chicken? Well, of course we never say “no” so began our adventure with Drake, Ducky Doodle and Henny Penny. The owner had bought the chick and ducklings at the Fleet Farm and had taken great care of them through the summer. But now it was fall and there was no way to shelter them so they called on us.

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We first were able to catch Drake, but then the other two were wise to our plan and evaded us. Kathryn and Karen stopped over that evening and Kathryn was able to catch Ducky Doodle who was the most difficult, dodging us in bushes, and was a fast runner.
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The owner said that Henny Penny was raised with the ducks and thought she was a duck, so separating them was not an option. Also, we did not want them to end up on any Thanksgiving dinner table so we wanted them to go together to a hobby farm. Jenny Fitzer found just such a home and the threesome left on Sunday, November 13th for the new home.

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These photos show them being introduced to their new home. The white rooster, Coyote, is the boss of the chickens. He had to come over and assert his dominance over Henny Penny right away. After a couple of minutes, all was settled and he accepted her into his domain.

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The second-in-command rooster came over afterwards to try to make nice, but Henny Penny was more interested in going with her duck friends to meet the ducks from earlier this summer :-)

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RLRR cats send Thanks to Feline Rescue!

For years now, Red Lake Rosie's Rescue has been able to send rescued cats and kittens to Feline Rescue in the Twin Cities for care in foster homes or at their shelter until they find forever homes.

Here are five cats making the trip on New Years Eve!

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Monday, November 28, 2016

HELP NEEDED for Holiday mailing: Sat., Dec. 3

Friends of Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue Needs You!
We will be having a gathering on Saturday, December 3rd from 2pm-5pm at the Library in Maplewood, sorry Roseville Library was booked!

We need your help to get our Christmas mailing stuffed, addressed, and stamped.  This is our largest fundraiser each year.  We know the holidays are a hectic time of year, so we greatly appreciate your time to help fund our rescue mission for another year.  There is a small café in the library, where you may purchase beverages and some sweets.  Anyone interested in going out to dinner following the stuffing gathering is more than welcome to do so.
There will be sign-ups for various activities throughout the year plus we are looking for volunteers willing to coordinate and volunteer for subcommittees: Events: assisting at events by manning tables,  Shelter Volunteers: we need a volunteer coordinator to facilitate scheduling volunteers to help Karen at the shelter, Education: a team to coordinate collections for clinic education and giveaways (such as flea and tick preventative drive, grooming supplies drive, hay and shelter drive, etc), Social Events (we need a better name): a team to schedule gatherings of RLRR placements and their forever families, and any other awesome rescue support activity you can think of.

Maplewood Pubic Library is located at 3025 Southlawn Dr, Maplewood, MN 55109

Monday, November 21, 2016

How much is $10,000 bowls of food??

Karen Good was named a Halo Shelter Hero by Bark Magazine!

In addition to the great article, Red Lake Rosie's Rescue received 10,000 bowls of food! We really didn't know how much that would be, but when we picked up the load, we had 3 pallets of Halo dog and cat food!! It filled up our cargo van with good quality kibble which is needed to help so many animals here.

Little Jackie was a surrender at the clinic who came in very hungry. Jackie and others like her will benefit from 10,000 bowls of Halo food!  She has been happily eating it at the shelter!

We have lots of cats at the shelter now and they are very grateful for the food, too.

In addition, we are able to supply food for the animals of community members.

Many, many thanks to Bark Magazine and Halo pet food AND to the mystery person who nominated Karen and Red Lake Rosie's Rescue for this wonderful honor and donation!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pause4Paws benefit Nov. 4

The Pause4Paws organization raises funds to contribute to several animal rescue groups including Red Lake Rosie's Rescue. Their big annual benefit event is Friday, November 4, 2016.

Support them and support us!!

Monday, September 26, 2016

RLRR: More than just cats & dogs!

Most people think of dogs and cats when they think of Red Lake Rosie’s Rescue. Actually, we rescue more than that.

Other companion animals have included horses, rabbits, gerbils, Chinchillas, and hamsters.


We have taken in wildlife and have a great relationship with Wild and Free of Garrison, Minnesota (

The wildlife we have taken in are orphaned or injured animals which have included white-tailed fawn orphans, merganser, Canadian goslings, a raven, orphan killdeer chicks, Indian Runner ducks, wounded seagull, and even a baby robin once that fell out of the nest that was rescued by Carol’s son Joe.

Most recently a Raven named Edgar arrived with a broken wing. This majestic bird was transported to Wild and Free.

Also this summer, Myrtle, the merganser, arrived with a broken leg.


Our philosophy on wildlife agrees with that of Wild and Free. They provide necessary medical care, rehabilitation, and introduce them back into their natural habitat.

We are very proud at Red Lake Reservation to have preserved so much of our wetlands and habitat for wildlife. We get an A + grade for that accomplishment.


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Bella & Maya: Both RLRR dogs!

Two years ago, Bella (formerly Goldie, on the right) was rescued by Red Lake Rosie's and then moved on to All Dog Rescue, where she was adopted to her forever home. She quickly became friends with the two cats in the household.

About a year later, the family decided it was time for another dog and adopted Maya. Goldie and Maya quickly became the best of friends. Maya also came from RLRR via All Dog Rescue!

The family really loves these two and is grateful to the organizations that brought them into their lives.

See the original post about Bella's adoption here:

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Elsa: Starving mama dog

The first time I set eyes on Elsa, I felt so sorry for her.

She was starving, had quills in her front shoulder, and was trying to care for her puppies. Then we got the sad story that, in order to survive, Elsa had eaten two of her puppies that had died. Her remaining three puppies were alive and well and soon old enough to go to care with our friends at ARVSS in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.

For Elsa, it was going to take a long while until she was well. Not only was she a physical mess, but she was also fearful and mistrusted people’s good intentions. Elsa went to the vet the day after she arrived and had what quills could be removed taken out. The quills had been there for a while and some were embedded in her shoulder, so Elsa would hop on three legs. She was spayed and vaccinated and began her journey of healing.

After three months with Red Lake Rosie's Rescue, Elsa is now walking on all four legs and is in very good physical condition. Elsa is also more trusting of people she encounters. We hope Elsa will soon be taken in by one of our partner rescues and find her forever home.

Elsa loves playing with the other dogs at the shelter and, while she seems to assume the "alpha female" position, she gets along really well with all the other dogs.

Recently with the closing of the Shed and the end of the 20 for 20 program, it is more difficult to get good quality kibble for cats and dogs at Red Lake. We are so thankful to our supporters who have provided food for the shelter and also for the community animals such as Elsa who are suffering malnourishment. 

Here is Elsa celebrating a beautiful fall day here at RLRR with all her friends!

Karen Good

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Cody: Caustic liquid burned puppy's feet & tail :-(

Cody was brought to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue in mid-August. The poor puppy had been sitting in some kind of caustic liquid which took the hair off his hind feet and tip of his tail. His feet are infected and very painful. He also has slight rickets on the front legs from poor nutrition, so he walks with a wobble.

Cody immediately got a bath to rid him of the caustic liquid and he was given pain medication. He is just 5 1/2 lbs. :-( We are so grateful that ACT V Rescue & Rehabilitation is able to take him in for further care!

Aug. 25:

Aug. 29:

Sept. 6:

Sept. 10: Cody has now entered into the training phase of life. :-) He has transitioned to a new foster home to facilitate some behavior modification. His foster mom is Kristy Francis, CTC (of the soon-to-be Kristy Francis Dog Training). She is a fellow graduate of The Academy for Dog Trainers .His feet and tail are healing (physically), but he hasn't fallen in love with body-handling (yet.) :-)
Go Cody, Go! You can do it. <3 i="">

Sept. 12: CODY got to go to a baseball game!! And meet kids!! And play with toys!! All good. :-)


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