I am so happy for her! karen

Just another note on Cheyenne....
She's still doing great....we keep talking about how none of you rescuers would even recognize her now. She loves to eat. She's filled out nicely, but not obese: she's too active outside wrestling and running with her canine brother Damon every day. Her coat is shiny and her eyes are wide and bright. She sleeps at the foot on our bed with Damon at night, though sometimes she is miss independent and prefers the isolation of her crate at the end of the bed.
You should see her at mealtime. We have an Audubon bird clock in our kitchen. Every hour a different bird sings to ring in the hour. The 3:00 bird is the cardinal, which signals it is dinner time. They both run into the kitchen to eat. Chey runs in and plops herself down in front of the food cabinet, so as not to miss the meal. She and DAmon eat in the kitchen together three feet apart from each other without a problem. In fact, when they eat, the cats are behind them also eating at the same time in their spots.
Cheyenne is devoted to Damon. She hates riding with him in the car because he is so crazy about his rides and jumps all about, sometimes on top of her, but she won't be separated from him. She's just as devoted to the cats. When she's outside and they're let out into the yard, she follows them around and sits or lies down by their side, whether they want her nearby or not. She won't go into the house when they're still outside unless we command her to. When she is let back out she races to check on them. If she doesn't see them come back in the house, she races around the house to find them and only settles down once she sees them safe. The boy cat Charlie loves to interact with the dogs and is always playing with them causing Chey to howl and sing at him.
She's become quite affectionate and isn't shy about seeking out individual attention and affection from us. Little by little each day, she comes more and more out of her shell and has developed into a more beautiful little girl. She is no longer afraid of being hugged and looks forward to her daily family hug in which Mr. Silva and I hug each other and hug each dog too at the same time. She's less afraid of Damon lying so close to and on top of her. She used to jump and run away when he first did that. Now she's more relaxed around him. She also doesn't hesitate to growl at him when he gets too rough with her, but she's not vicious or mean in any way. The two dogs are perfect together and great for each other. Damon has helped us bring her out of her shell, and she has helped him calm down a bit.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that Cheyenne Alicia is doing well. She has developed a food allergy and can no longer tolerate wheat or grain, but lives the high life of having to eat duck and venison dog food for each meal.
Take care. And thanks again for all you do.
The Silvas and Princess, Charlie, Damon and Cheyenne
She loves getting her belly rubbed. And she loves giving kisses to her forever mommy and daddy on command and off. Whenever we put our face to hers and say, "kissy, kissy, kissy" or not, she gives us licks on the face. She is adorable. She loves chewing on a rib bone after a rib dinner we enjoy or chewing on a rawhide bone that Damon 'broke in' for her.