Sunday, November 8, 2009

Prayers needed for Babes in the Woods

The puppies found as Babes in the Woods are in the care of TLC Canine Rescue now and they are sick.

SICK STELLAStella and her brother were found in the woods up north at 3 weeks old. Within a week they were transported to the Cities and placed in a foster home. That same night we got a call that Stella wouldn't eat and all she would do is sleep. She also kept throwing up.

We took her to the vet and they did blood work on her and began to treat her for Parvo. She was dehydrated and weak, so they tried and tried to get an IV into her vein to give her fluids, but they couldn't do it. Finally they decided to give her sub-cutaneous fluids (just under her skin). They stuck her all over and left bumps of fluids for the body to absorb. We were told she would have to stay in the hospital for at least a week or maybe longer depending on how fast she got better.

BOTH BABESA fecal test indicated that she didn't have parvo, but did have Giardia and another type of a parasite. She will continue to need fluids and medication under medical supervision until she is able to keep food down again and her diarhea is resolved.

Little brother will also need treatment because they have been together and he is showing early signs of the same symptoms. We hope he won't have to be hospitalized like Stella.

This treatment will be costly, but we won't let the little ones die. We need to do what we can to save them for the better life that awaits them. The little boy is back with us because he was so lonely at the foster home without his sister that he wouldn't stop crying. Now he is just sleeping and will start the same medications as Stella.

I will keep everyone informed on how they are doing.

Thank you and Dog Bless
TLC Canine Rescue.


Rebecca said...

"babes" were dumped and that made me ma, then I read further to find the "parents" were also left to fend for themselves. Not a good thing; not at all. What kind of a person does this to an animal, let alone two of them and one (most likely) expecting at the time they were dumped?

Luckily for the pups RLRR was alerted to their plight and the puppies were rescued. I feel certain both will make a full recovery.

Bless you for all the good works you do for all of these little spirits!

Jo Tallchief said...

I don't know, either, Rebecca, why someone would take their animals out to the dump and leave them there. I don't know anyone personally who has done this or I would ask what they're thinking. My family's going in the other direction. :) These are gorgeous little pups and very adoptable. I hope they make a full recovery soon. :))


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