Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Poor Petie

Petie was the sole surviving pup born to a small dog. Just ten days old, he had a cyst on his neck the size of golf ball and his eye was ruptured. He was part of the January 5, 2010 transport and he went toAct V Rescue and Rehabilitation in Bloomington where he is in the great care of Dr. Vicki.


Little Pete is doing fine.

I think what ever bit him and made the abscess also got him in the left eye and that's why it ruptured.

He's being medicated every 6 hours and has a recheck appt tomorrow. I'm not used to getting up at 2 a.m. to feed puppies or babies for that matter. He's a very good eater.

Little Ina is doing well. She gets rechecked tomorrow too. Zorro (broken front leg shep) went to his new home yesterday. Jambi, the once-starving min-pin, is thriving in his new home.

All is good.


1 comment:

Jo Tallchief said...

Awwwww! Thank you for taking care of Petie, Vicki. I hope he gets better soon. What an awful experience for him.


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