Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Phoenix updates

May 14
This photo was actually taken a few days ago. Phoenix was on an outing - was romping around, and pooped out. He chose the slide as his resting spot.

His back, left leg gives him trouble and he tires easily. We are scheduling him for physical therapy.

Funny fella.

April 30
Phoenix played 'The Name Game' today with his foster mom. smile emoticon
He's 'so-so' at it... but practice makes perfect, right?

May 3
Phoenix has a Thundershirt!!

May 4
Your nightly Phoenix update:
He had an appointment with the doctor today.
Phoenix has a non-healing wound that is worrisome to us, so he met with the surgeon for a treatment plan. He probably has an infection, so the wound was cultured, and he is back on antibiotics. We will know more in a couple of days.
Nothing shocking, given the extent of his wounds.

May 8
With his eyes half shut, Phoenix can still enjoy his favorite toy and have his snack :-)

May 9
Now and then, Phoenix enjoys hanging out in the car.
We don't know why - maybe it's where he spent his earlier days - but, whatever the reason, we try to support him.
Here he is with his brand new blanket.

May 11
Phoenix has his pick of sleeping arrangements, but right now he chose 1/2 on... 1/2 off.
His surgical team made another attempt at closing the wound on his rump. Fingers crossed. Physical Therapy is probably next on his to-do list.

May 16
Yeah... Saturday is cleaning day.
Who knows why Phoenix does what he does.
That being said, who knows why dogs do what they do.
(They do what works.)
Today? He cleaned the shower.

May 17

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