Thursday, June 14, 2012

Big Joe (definitely NOT Cujo)

Red Lake Rosie's Rescue took in a St. Bernard mix. His name was Cujo, but we thought we would change his name to Big Joe since this guy was so mellow and nice. We had Big Joe at the shelter for only about a week. He made a big hit with the Youth works groups and left on Wednesday to Pet Haven foster care.


I thought I'd give you guys all a Big Joe update. He's been a very good boy. He is getting along well with the rest of the dogs and the 9-year-old, and doesn't seem particularly interested in the cats. He doesn't get into much, though I have had to have some discussions with him about how he's NOT allowed to take my sandwich off of the counter.

We have left him in the house a couple times when we were away for an hour or two and he's been fine, so I don't foresee any need for him to be in a kennel. He is still very much in the foster dog adjustment phase though; he follows us around the house and squeaks if we go somewhere without him. He settles down and sleeps on the floor in the bedroom at night with no trouble.

We've been taking after the last of his winter coat with the furminator every day, and he will be going to a groomer we know in town for a bath and to have the matted bits shaved out of his hindquarters in the next couple of days. He's not eating a whole lot at this point but he does take treats and will eat dry food if you hand feed him, so I think his appetite will probably return when he gets settled in a bit. He's also starting to engage in a little bit of play with the other dogs.

As I write this update, he's curled up on the floor behind me next to Mikey. He's so big that his head is under my desk by Geordie; Ian tells me that Rex is upstairs parked in a sunspot.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet update on this big guy. Thanks, Pet Haven, for fostering


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