Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bella (Mya) update

Mya (center) with her new BFF's, Sage and Minna.

Mya and Minna hanging out in the house and keeping a watch out.

Mya and Minna hanging out in the house and keeping a watch out.Mya (Bella) is doing great in her new home. I was so shocked to see how much she has grown!!! She is no longer the tiny puppy I watched after a couple months ago. She is growing super fast and is up to 35 pounds and already as tall as Sage. Mya is still every ounce a puppy, but she is learning from her BFF's what she can and cannot do. Minna will actually take away things she is not suppose to play with like shoes and kids toys.


Anonymous said...

Life sure is good for Bella- She came from the Redby Garbage dump as a tiny puppy, and then her sister Beda came from the same dump the next day. Beda, came in with no appetite so she went to the vet and was parvo positive, but both lived and left on transport. So nice to see her as a grown up!!

Anonymous said...

It is always great fun to watch
these beautiful rescues grow and
enjoy life to its fullest! Bella
(Mya)is doing just that....fantastic! Thank
you for the photos and update.


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