Monday, September 9, 2013

Ginger gets a second chance

It is August 31st and what a great day for Ginger. She gets to leave Red Lake Rosie's Rescue and go to a foster home with All Dog Rescue.
Ginger came in as a broken surrender at the clinic. At first the family did not want to surrender her, but when they saw all the vet notes and medications, they let RLRR volunteers take her.

Ginger is about 7 months old and she spent her life on a 3-foot chain.
Her left eye was poked in and dead. She had a wound on her side – cause unknown. She was malnourished and dehydrated. Surely she would not survived long if her quality of life did not change. Also, the number of injuries made us wonders how she was getting them.
Ginger has only been at the shelter for 12 days and has shown remarkable progress. She was spayed, vaccinated, and had the eye removed 2 days ago. Her wound on her side is nearly healed and she still is very hungry but has gained at least 5 pounds during her time here.
She learned how to play and socialize with the other dogs at the shelter. Her whole demeanor has changed since the day she checked into the clinic.

Ginger rode out with 4 cats and 4 puppies early this morning. Tom and Nancy drove all the way to the shelter to pick up the animals and deliver a load of food and supplies. They will be meeting Heidi in Walker to get the animals to their final destinations.
We are so thankful to the financial supporters who provide medical funds to help dogs like Ginger, the transporters, clinic staff, and the rescues who give these broken animals a chance for a decent life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ginger, we are so happy for you and wish you the best, brightest future ever!! Hugs for you, little girl, as you find new adventures along your journey. Have a happy, healthy life.....send photos.


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