Friday, December 28, 2012

Geronimo finds a home

From Red Lake Rosie's Rescue to Act V and now to his forever home, Geronimo, known as the "one-eyed wiggler" has inspired many.

So here is a story of sacrifice, a lesson in giving and a sharing of the philosophy "it's better to give than to receive". Laney is 10 years old. Her mom and dad adopted Geronimo.
Laney just celebrated her 10th birthday and in lieu of gifts, her friends were asked to bring dog treats and toys to be donated to ACT V Rescue & Rehab...! Not only that, the kids made fleece blankets for our puppies and senior dogs. What an amazing kid...!!! (And a truly amazing family.) We sure know how to pick 'em... :-)
Carolyn Scales Allen and Alisa Noffel Laramy posing with "Laney" and and her sister and the fleece blankets they made for ACT V Rescue and Rehabilitation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a couple of incredible girls
to have given so much from their
hearts to help Geronimo and other
furry friends! These acts of
kindness will never be forgotten.
Thank you to a couple of very
special girls!


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