Wednesday, March 13, 2013

RLRR receives Kindness from Red Lake Elementary Schools

As a part of Kindness week, Michelle, a teacher at the Red Lake Elementary Schools coordinates a fundraiser for their favorite charity, Red Lake Rosie's Rescue.  They have done this for 3 years.
 On March 6th, Karen and Reilly went to a student assembly to accept the donation and were very surprised to find this year the students had TRIPLED their effort and had raised nearly $1000! That's a lot of pennies!!
I was told one of the classes that collected the most was our kindergarten. Karen, Reilly, and several other animals are invited to visit the classes soon. 
Thank you to Red Lake Elementary students, teachers, and parents.
They are our largest tribal supporters- "And a child shall lead them".

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gesture from
    Michelle and the school children.
