Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas from Dani!

Dani was a tiny pup found wandering alone on the highway and was picked up by Merri Jo and brought to Red Lake Rosie's Rescue. She was transferred to Act V on December 1st and is enjoying Christmas in her foster home.
Imagine this- you are about 7 weeks old, separated from everyone and everything - it's cold and dark outside and you are all alone with no food. That's what "Dani" has been facing.
Thank you Karen Howells for fostering her for Act V.
One week later Dani's 2 littermates are rescued by Merri Jo as well and also go to Act V. Thank you everyone for saving Dani and her littermates!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story, especially
    at Christmas-time. Precious little sweeties. Thank you Merri,
    Karen, and ACT V, and of course
    the foster homes. These stories
    all leave you completely overjoyed
    and inspired through and through.....thank you!
